Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, December 18, 2009

Sometimes I'm Still a Kid

Two weekends ago (sorry it's been that long) my parents came into town for a long weekend visit!  Mom and Dad got in around 7:30 on Friday evening and we headed out for a yummy dinner at KYOTO Sushi.  We had a delicious plethera of a variety of sushi rolls and really had a nice time.  After dinner we made our way to Starbucks for some coffee to sip on while we watched the lights at Vince & Associates (a fantastic lighting display coordinated with music)!  Saturday we got up and around and headed out for breakfast at First Watch.  Unfortunately, it was the weekend before Jay's finals so he had to be up at the school studying.  I was so proud of him for being disciplined to study all day while I got to shop and hang out with my parents!  So we dropped him off at the school and headed over to the Plaza.  :(  We spent several hours shopping around and then decided to take a caffeinated drink to Jay (and enjoy one ourselves) so we went to SONIC and gave Jay a little study break.  After that, Mom and Dad and I went to Nebraska Furniture Mart to explore and shop there!  Mom and Dad found some dining room chairs on sale and we also found several Christmas presents!  After Nebraska Furniture Mart we drove across the street to Cabela's for a snack and more shopping.  We were shopping fiends!  After our long and exhausting day of shopping we picked up Jay from the school and headed over to Fiorella's Jack Stack for some yummy barbeque!  After dinner we rented a movie and headed home.  Sunday we went to church and my parents got to meet our friends and even see some of their old college buddies (the pastor of our church and his wife)!!  Once again, Jay headed up to the school to study and Mom and I took a nap!  So much fun.  Sunday night we planned to go to the Fork & Screen movie theatre to eat dinner and watch The Blindside.  It was such an awesome movie!  That night really finished off a wonderful weekend.  Dad and Mom left Monday morning for Nebraska to see a friend after Jay and I headed to school and work.  It was so nice to have my parents in town.  Now I'm ready for Christmas!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas at #278

It's finally Christmas around our snug little apartment!  After our long trip back from Little Rock we were able to spend some time putting up our Christmas decorations!  It is so fun to have Christmas up at our home and even Millie is enjoy it!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Travels

Jay and I got to spend a wonderful four days in Little Rock for our Thanksgiving holiday!  I unfortunately had to work a full day on Wednesday so we didn't head out until 5:30.  We got stopped in terrible traffic headed out of KC and it took us over TWO HOURS to travel 15 miles-- ugh!  It was a long night so we decided to stop in Rogers, Arkansas to spend the night at my sister and brother-in-law's house.  We were so thankful that their house was right in the middle of our trip!  We got up Thursday morning early and were headed out the door before 7:00am!  A beautiful day for a drive to Little Rock! 

We arrived a Rob and Billie's a little before 10 and got to hang out until everyone came over for a delicious Thanksgiving lunch!  After lunch we were all so full and pooped so we took a long afternoon nap!!  Thursday evening we just hung out and watched some football.  Friday we braved the crowds at Best Buy, Bed Bath & Beyond, Sam's, and Academy Sports.  We had such a yummy lunch at El Porton-- authentic Mexican-- and headed home for another rest.  Friday night Rob, Billie, Jay and I went over to Maw Maw and Deda's for a fantastic roast prepared by Maw Maw and helped her with her Christmas decorations.  After dinner Jay and I went over to Matt and Akina's to watch a movie and hang out.  Saturday while the boys were golfing Billie and I got out to got shopping again-- we found some great deals!  For lunch we celebrated Matt's birthday with Firehouse Subs and a scrumptous cake!  Saturday night was the Arkansas vs. LSU game and I went to Buffalo Grill to watch it with my friend Allison while Jay went to his friend Drew's.  Sunday morning we went to Rob and Billie's new church then said good-bye and headed home.  It was such a great trip and we are so thankful for our wonderful friends and family!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Busy Bees and Other Animals, too!

It has been a crazy busy week for Jay and me!  Work is still very busy and everyone is working hard to stay caught up before the winter hits.  Jay has started a new section at school and is really staying busy with studying.  We have done a lot of house & dog sitting and have been away from our own home so that makes things even more crazy it seems.  We're now back at home which is such a nice feeling.  We actually had the opportunity to host The Bradley's at our "home away from home" last weekend.  God worked it out so well because we had much more room for everyone!  Saturday we spent the day at the zoo in gorgeous, yet unseasonably warm, weather!  It was packed but we had such a great time!  Jay and I enjoy more and more being an aunt and uncle-- especially as our nieces get older.  Lucy got to feed a deer and a sheep and I've posted some pics of the day along with some of our favorite animals!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Happenings

Halloween was a fun holiday this year!  We didn't really celebrate last year so we had to make up for it...  We carved a cute, happy pumpkin (well Jay did!) and lit it up outside!  I bought a chicken outfit for our cat, Millie, and dressed her up.  She hated it at first but wore it for awhile.  She was so cute in it!  Our friends, Jonathan and Heather, invited us over for the OU vs. K-State game on Saturday night so we only dressed up in our Sooner gear.  I made "spider-web" brownies which were a total hit!  We had a fun time with everyone who came out to celebrate Halloween and the game!

Arkansas' Phinest, Truly

October 23-25, 2009

The Pi Beta Phi Chapter at the University of Arkansas celebrated 100 years this year!  Also, this summer we were rewarded the nation's top honor for Pi Phi chapters for the third consecutive year.  I was able to drive down to Fayetteville for all the Pi Phi festivities.  I had such a wonderful time hanging out with friends I hadn't seen in two years and celebrating our chapter with over 300 Arkansas Alpha Pi Phis!  Friday night was "Pledge Class Reunions" and my pledge class ('04) had a nice dinner at one of our favorite Fayetteville restaurants, Powerhouse.  Saturday we went to Grub's (to watch the Arkansas vs. Ole Miss game) before a luncheon at the Fayetteville Town Center and then stopped by the house for a reminiscent tour.  Such good memories!  It was really a neat experience and such a fun weekend with all the girls!  

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Divide and Conquer!

This past weekend Jay and I had to be at two weddings!  Jay was in Dallas for his friend Luke's wedding and I was in San Angelo, TX for my cousin Jessie's.  It was so crazy because both Luke and Jessie were in our wedding and Luke actually escorted Jessie down the aisle!  Wouldn't you know God has such funny timing.  We both had so much fun spending time and making memories with good friends and wonderful family!  Only I had the camera so pictures from my weekend in San Angelo are below... :)
 Mom and Allison came too! Beautiful cousins!At the burger joint with Lucy and family.The stunning bride and me!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Katherine's Birthday

I celebrated my 24th birthday yesterday! Jay and I got to go to Norman for the weekend and see my family. We enjoyed a rainy football game and some delicious eateries while there. Yesterday Jay and I celebrated by going to dinner at one of our favorite sushi restaurants and came home to open cards and presents from family. What a blessing to have lived another year!